Hours after Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP Kangana Ranaut faced criticism from her party and the Opposition over her remarks on farm laws, the actor-turned-politician, in an X post wrote her views were personal and did not represent the party’s stand.
“My views on Farmers Laws are personal and they don’t represent party’s stand on those Bills. Thanks,” (sic), Kangana’s X post read.
Absolutely, my views on Farmers Laws are personal and they don’t represent party’s stand on those Bills. Thanks. https://t.co/U4byptLYuc— Kangana Ranaut (@KanganaTeam) September 24, 2024
A row erupted on Tuesday after the Congress shared an undated video of Ranaut on X, in which she could be heard saying, “Farm laws that have been repealed should be brought back. I think this may get controversial. The laws in farmers’ interest be brought back. Farmers should themselves demand this (to bring farm laws back) so that there is no hindrance to their prosperity.”
The 3 black laws imposed on farmers should be brought back– BJP MP Kangana Ranaut said this
More than 750 farmers of the country were martyred, only then the Modi government woke up and these black laws were withdrawn.
Now BJP MPs are planning to bring back these laws again.… pic.twitter.com/Z4YysM6fGE
— Sridhar Ramaswamy శ్రీధర్ రామస్వామి ✋ (@sridharramswamy) September 24, 2024
Later, the BJP distanced itself from Kangana’s remarks.
In a self-recorded video message on X, BJP spokesperson Gaurav Bhatia said, “I want to make it clear that this statement is a personal statement of her. Kangana Ranaut is not authorised to make such a statement on behalf of BJP and it doesn’t depict BJP’s view on the farm bills. We disapprove of this statement.”
Meanwhile, the Congress cited Kangana’s remarks and alleged that the ruling party was making efforts to bring back the three laws that were repealed in 2021, and asserted that Haryana will give a befitting reply to it.
The three laws — Farmer’s Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Act; The Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement of Price Assurance and Farm Services Act; and The Essential Commodities (Amendment) Act — were repealed in November 2021.
The farmers’ protest started at the fag-end of November 2020 and ended after Parliament repealed the three laws. The legislations came into force in June 2020 and were repealed in November 2021.